How have we come to be who we are?
What shapes and continues to shape who we are?
How do all the pieces fit together?
The big bang, the explosive times, the reflective moments, the rebellions, the peaceful days, the conflict and the harmony of it all. Who are you in the midst of the world? Indeed, who are you in the midst of the universe?

What lessons are in store for you as you contemplate life and the stories that people share?

Welcome to our Creating and Presenting Area of Study learning space. Our Context for Semester One is 'Self and Place' and our Context for Semester Two is 'The lessons life teaches us'. These thematic based units provide us with a wonderful opportunity to explore, question and share our understandings of the world in terms of beliefs, values, personal experiences, history, literature, politics, science and more. Hopefully we can all experience a journey that is inspired from local national and global perspectives in some way; a journey that enables us to add our voices to the digital development of a world that is continually growing in respect, tolerance and equality.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2015 Contexts and Focus Texts




The Creating and Presenting Area of Study breakdown:

For the Creating and Presenting Area of Study you will be required to create pieces of writing in a variety of forms. This area of study requires you produce expository, persuasive and imaginary forms of writing. You will work with focus texts which will provide you with examples of writing techniques and ideas to inspire your own creations. These focus texts are models of writing. This area of study also requires you to reflect on a Context and a prompt when you create your writing pieces. The writing you create needs to contain obvious links to the focus text, Context and prompt.

In short, create expository, persuasive and imaginative pieces of writing that -
  • Explore the Context

  • Draw from the focus text

  • Consider the ideas of the prompt 

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