How have we come to be who we are?
What shapes and continues to shape who we are?
How do all the pieces fit together?
The big bang, the explosive times, the reflective moments, the rebellions, the peaceful days, the conflict and the harmony of it all. Who are you in the midst of the world? Indeed, who are you in the midst of the universe?

What lessons are in store for you as you contemplate life and the stories that people share?

Welcome to our Creating and Presenting Area of Study learning space. Our Context for Semester One is 'Self and Place' and our Context for Semester Two is 'The lessons life teaches us'. These thematic based units provide us with a wonderful opportunity to explore, question and share our understandings of the world in terms of beliefs, values, personal experiences, history, literature, politics, science and more. Hopefully we can all experience a journey that is inspired from local national and global perspectives in some way; a journey that enables us to add our voices to the digital development of a world that is continually growing in respect, tolerance and equality.

Friday, August 7, 2015

SOMETIMES GLADNESS - The Lessons Life Teaches Us

Unit 2, Outcome 2 – Creating and Presenting

'There is nothing in life as beautiful as life...'?

Welcome to your studies of Bruce Dawe's collection of poems entitled Sometimes Gladness. As part of the Creating and Presenting Areas of Study for your VCE, this study asks you to explore a Context, focus text and further sources to show that you can engage with universal issues and topics that influence and affect humanity. When you think about such things and share your thoughts, you are participating in influencing the world we all belong to, be it on a local, national or global scale. Your Creating and Presenting studies are designed with the fact that you each have a voice and the power to share it, the power to shape the world you live in in some way, thankfully, very freely within our society. The poetry of Dawe is to be used as a springboard for inspiration and ideas for you to utilise in the creation of your own writing pieces, pieces that must be designed with purposes and audiences in mind, with messages to deliver to the reader. 'The lessons life teaches us' is the Context from which you are to approach your studies, so keep this at the forefront of your mind as you zone in on topic possibilities for creating persuasive, imaginative and expository texts.

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