How have we come to be who we are?
What shapes and continues to shape who we are?
How do all the pieces fit together?
The big bang, the explosive times, the reflective moments, the rebellions, the peaceful days, the conflict and the harmony of it all. Who are you in the midst of the world? Indeed, who are you in the midst of the universe?

What lessons are in store for you as you contemplate life and the stories that people share?

Welcome to our Creating and Presenting Area of Study learning space. Our Context for Semester One is 'Self and Place' and our Context for Semester Two is 'The lessons life teaches us'. These thematic based units provide us with a wonderful opportunity to explore, question and share our understandings of the world in terms of beliefs, values, personal experiences, history, literature, politics, science and more. Hopefully we can all experience a journey that is inspired from local national and global perspectives in some way; a journey that enables us to add our voices to the digital development of a world that is continually growing in respect, tolerance and equality.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Beginning to explore the Context

EXPLORING IDEAS OF UNDERSTANDING SELF AND PLACE OR THE LESSONS LIFE TEACHES US - Where does an investigation of this Context lead us...?

The first clue to what we need to develop our knowledge around is staring us in the face. What do you think it could possibly be? Of course, what can 'self and place' mean? Or, what can 'the lessons life teaches us' mean?

Defining concepts such as self and place and the lessons life teaches us can be an involved and exciting journey once you start to delve into the complexities of ideas that are associated with them. Just like Garfield, we are going to put on our reporter's hats for a time. We are going to conduct a series of vox pop interviews to get to the bottom of just what 'self and place' or 'the lessons life teaches us' can mean to different people. We are also going to make sure we complete a thorough investigation by developing some extra vox pops that ask for comment on issues that arise around the ideas of 'understanding self and place' or 'the lessons life teaches us'.

What does it mean to you to understand one's self and how do we all fit within our world's societies?


  1. Organise paper and a pen, write up the heading Understanding Self and Place Vox Pops
  2. Write down the compulsory vox pop question - What does the idea of self and place mean to you?
  3. Develop two further questions that are related to the Context, 'Understanding Self and Place'. For example: What is your response to the statement racism is prevalent in Australian society?
  4. Conduct interviews with a minimum of three people and record their responses.
  5. Publish the responses you get on our Padlet Post It Wall. While doing this add any further insights you find yourself thinking about the Context. You can link to images and video to enhance your comments.


To use Padlet you will need to create an account. Set up your account using the MSC guidelines, ie., use your school username and e-mail address to sign up. Your stickynotes will need to feature your school username to be considered as your completed learning for the task.

Sign up to Padlet and then contribute to our discussion wall
Sign up to Padlet and then contribute to our discussion wall


  1. Identity synonyms:
    - Character
    - Personality
    - Integrity
    - Individuality
    - Uniqueness
    - Self image
    - Particularity
    - Existence
    - Oneness
    - Distinctiveness

    Belonging synonyms:
    - Acceptance
    - Affinity
    - Kinship
    - Loyalty
    - Relationships
    - Rapport
    - Association
    - Attachment
    - Inclusion
    - Tribal nature
